My Life's One Desire

For I »must« do the will of God, not my own will. ♥️John 6:38♥️


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01.04—to have such a fear of God in our daily lives that any compromise is given up because I love Him so much and long to please Him
02.04—to grow in the areas the Father has taught me in so far and live what He desires for me in this day
03.04—that in everything even during work to not try to lift myself and look down on others but to seek only Gods glory
04.04—to believe that what God says He will bring about Believe Him He will never fail you
05.04—to grow in showing love she being bold to others
06.04—to be slow to speak and ask questions instead of just always saying your opinion speaking truth in love
07.04— to be completely humble and have my fave in the dust because this is pleasing to Him to never loose site of this goal ♥️
08.04—to make it our goal to please Him in everything quieting our mind asking Him to speak so we may hear what He has for us
09.04—to be completely humble aiming for perfection, growing in humility » no one is good but God alone » when people are all trying to praise you take time extra time alone with God
10.04—when there is sickness comes and you groan in pain, oh to cry out to the Father that I wouldn't grieve His Name by complaints but asking Him "oh Father may I not be separated from devotion to you by a complaint."
11.04—to know if I'm not joyful it's because there's some area I'm not loving righteous and hating sin. Jesus came to give us the oil of gladness — He loved righteousness and hated doing anything that would break His fellowship with His Father, I pray this will be so for me too.
12.04—to not look down even on the smallest believer but to go under them to lift Jesus up in His glory.
13.04—to be seeking the Lord for more of His deep love to be so rooted in it that we obey even the hardest things because we love Him and others
14.04—to be hasty and trade your birthright with a bowl of soup. We can so easily miss something higher God has for us something that we should have a right to but if we go after a few minutes of something we want right now we could miss that for ever even if we cry with tears if we do not turn and seek God but seek things here that may not even be bad (a bowl of soup) something greater could be taken from us if we do not repent from this way of living. Oh Father help me not to be hasty!!
15.04—to grow in being completely humble and lowering myself beneath others I have a hard time with, to remember the Fathers love even in the moment He wants me to go down. Sometimes I may feel I'm trapped or in prison or a slave but He is simply disciplining me because He still loves me!
16.04—to be slow to speak, to wait until the Lords time, to will one thing: His will
17.04—to persevere in trials, do not give up hope, give up your strength for His and persevere with Him right beside you♥️
18.04—to grow in believing Him at His word and simply calling out to Him whenever I feel weak, to know He's right there waiting for you, to ask Him for help
19.04—to not trust in man but to grow in trusting the Father and to grow deeply into a loving relationship with the Father
20.04—to grow in speaking truth out of love, not pointing out faults but giving hope and seeking to point to Christ, to increase in Faith! ♥️
21.94—to do everything before the face of God, to do all "in secret" obeying Him from love.
22.04—to grow in not loving even subtle pleasures I enjoy or comforts, because that makes me an enemy of You! It is like hatred towards You! Oh to love You as Your Spirit longs intensively to have all of my devotion to You and nothing else. No friendship with this world, for You along satisfy.
23.04—to be completely honest and transparent, not hiding anything but living in complete surrender as the Father plants seeds to be seeking Him earnestly and abiding in Him so they will bear fruit to glorify His Name.
24.04—to grow in giving everything, surrendering my hopes of doing things my way to Him and not trusting in my flesh. Rather trusting fully in Him who's streams are little rivers of life. For blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, they will be like a tree planted by streams of water — may my roots go down deep to your love and find those rivers of life so Your life and love will be mine in abundance.
24.04—when someone does even the slightest thing which annoys me, oh Father may I learn to love instead of thinking negative or being annoyed even in my secret thoughts. To love them even in my secret thoughts.
25.04—to have a clean heart filled with abundant life so that when shaken only His life pours out.
26.04—to continue to be humble always seeking for His grace as I see I am easily tempted and not good ohhh How I need Him!!
27.04—to stop looking to earthly resources and always to an earthly way of thinking but to look to Christ! To see life from His perspective — not to worry but to grow in seeing the importance of seeing with His vision
28.04—to always remember and give thanks for His faithfulness, He allows every detail in our lives for a reason and He brings each thing into our lives for a specific reason and right timing, if I don't have something — He knows I don't need it now, He will bring what we need at the right time.
29.04—to grow in prayer and earnest prayer all throughout the day. To be with Christ and oh may He be in us, as we go through our everyday life. Not to give up in speaking to Him but also to quiet and hear His voice.
30.04—when seeking desperately for a large sum of money, I looked high and low. There was nothing. Again I returned to look and the Lord spoke, are you seeking me as diligently and earnestly as you are seeking this money? Ohh yes! I want to seek for Him even more desperately than I seek for money no matter the sum. He turned my mind to the heavenly perspective (praise God!!) and a second later I couldn't believe my eyes — there it was. He needed to bring me to Him before i could find it. If I would have found it a few times sooner I wouldn't have learned what He wanted me to learn. Praise God for His lovingkindness He is helping me to see things from His view !!


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